10 Ways to Save Money In Iceland

Wow!  Iceland is expensive!  And it's not the price of airfare or hotel that will give you sticker shock.  It's the price of food and getting around that will break your budget.  Here are some ways to save while you're... continue the journey

Prevent Packing The Flu

Millions of Americans are fighting the flu. In fact, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, doctors haven't diagnosed this many cases of the flu since 2009. [caption id="attachment_682" width="201" align="alignleft"] Stock image from Pixabay[/caption] The only thing... continue the journey

One Day In Barcelona

Barcelona is like no other place I’ve visited. The city is full of amazing art and architecture. It shares a fresh energy and vibe. There are signs of artists like Antoni Gaudí and Salvador Dali at nearly every turn. [caption... continue the journey